Welcome to Super Mini Trucks

Welcome to Super Mini Trucks online Superstore

Online since 2002 The first & always the best

The largest & most complete inventory of Super Mini Truck Parts, & Accessories  in the USA 

Always New  OEM Parts or   Made in Japan  Equal   Some Salvage,  Some Japan Remanned

NO CHINESE  Repacement Parts   They won't last no time,      If its a lot cheaper than our prices most likely it's Chinese & it will fail !!!!!

Most likely the OEM parts you are replacing are 6 -20 years old why replace it with anything else, most of our parts are OEM or equal,,, no knockoff crap here

If it's not on our shelf its on its way,  we ship no less than once a week out of Japan. Just because you dont see it on the site does not mean we dont have it, we can & will get the parts you need. Typically we will have most any Japanese vehicle part to you in ten days or less, & not just the  japanese minitrucks,  We have a lot of old stock parts for the American versions (LHD) we also have most Japanese manufactured vehicle parts for full size that you have not been able to source in the USA.

We are parting out  vehicles at any given time & have several used parts & chassis ready to ship both in the US & Japan. 

WE take special orders on parts,  & can ship direct to you from Japan typically in 10 days or less usually in less than a week

WE can direct ship you a comple engine or tranny  typically in 10 days to your door.

We have been  Custom Building, Rigging & servicing these vehicles since 2002 & continue to do so today,  We got the time tested & proven accessories.

"We know the vehicles, We know the parts" 
