His or Hers???
Mike thought you would like this one. Remember my wife Ann? She was kina questionable about me just buying another toy. Well the truth be known, She is workin my ass off. Every time we go to the farm with it. It always Lets go clean this up, lets go get rock, lets go get wood, lets do this, lets do that,
Man I will be glad, when hunting season gets here, I'm leavein her at home.
The only time I get to drive it is when she gets in on the wrong side, we both do it, and it has been a real hoot.
She calls this little truck a real Man Magnet everywhere we take it and stop, guys come out of the wood work to check it out amd I just can't help but show it off & BS. That Camo work you had done is excellent.
You should be getting lots of calls.
One thing about it - she wants to stop less on the way to and from the farm now.
We really love it, She calls it her little putt putt.
I wish it was my toy, but now it's our “LITTLE PUTT PUTT”
Thanks, Man
Pete & Ann
Straight Up
I have been using the 1997 Suzuki you sold us a few months back at? ?our ranch & have since sold A Gator & an Artic Cat that we had been using. This little truck is ?so much more useful & comparable I'm really glad I bought one of these instead. I have been nice & warm On those cold days I hesitated to go out in before.? Ma even rides with me more, ( she sure is handy at the gates.But now she has taken a liken to driven ) She won't ride the Artic Cat & just had a dislike to the Gator. ?I do about everything with these little rigs, just set em up for the task & go. We easily get a Rick of wood on, more fence material than I can put up in a day, ?The thing flat out works me Fooled it the other day Took it & the dogs fishing hauled all my gear & that ice chest just fine. I do believe it will out last me.
Thanks for enlightening me of there existence. I hate to say it but America will never catch up? Till? we start setting the pace instead of trying to copy it after we see it. Great Product, Well worth the money. Thanks, Partner
Best Regards Bill & Margaret
Horse Rancher
I just wanted to thank you for talking me in to the Mitsubishi with the optional dump. I use it everyday for cleaning out the stalls. We use our little tractor you sold us to load it?with the big stuff & we are able to get right up to what we need to load by hand. No problem at all in tight areas. Then like you said we have been spreading it out across the pasture & garden areas by simply pushing a button within the cab, half the work & it's kina fun, our little 4 year old especially likes making the dump go up. We are planning on selling the Gator this summer & getting another one like this one only without the dump. Talk to you then.
Thanks Laura
Cattle Rancher
I drive an average of 20 miles day just on the ranch. Was costing$5 a day in a 3/4 ton truck, now only $8.00 a week that's only $1.15 a day, $420 a year, verses $1825 a year in the 3/4 ton truck. Thanks Mike
Buck Adams, OK USA
Handicapped Hunter
Mike I just wanted to thank you again for all the special rigging for my granddads little Hijet.
The hand clutch & brakes did the trick. The heater sure felt good too! It was in the 20's and a stiff North Wind. We took it out last weekend & granddad killed a nice 8 point buck & we hauled it in no problem. Gran Dad asked if you could put a scissor lift on it this year that way he could have a tree stand on wheels. What ya think? Get back to me? Thanks so much.
I check my livestock in all kinds of weather. Used to I might put it off a spell while hoping for it to fair up a bit, then it might of been to late for a little calf or That alone helps my bottom line, not to mention the fuel savings, light pressure on my fields, & no more ruts. No doubt these are the way to go & all the while in comfort. You got a great thing going in these Japanese trucks. Thanks for the great tip & a honest deal.
Best of Luck, Mike Panza
Security Patrol
Mike, The Honda we bought for the security guards last winter at the summer camp is working out great, it has never failed us & I think the guards actually look forward to crusin in it, even when its 18 outside. But thus my problem, the grounds crew wants to use it all the time, now that it is?spring. We are going to need another maybe two. Can you get us two more just like the 91 Honda we bought last November?
Bill Page
Spray Rig
Mike Just like you said, I put a 50 gallon spray rig in it with 10 ft. boom across the back & even a hand spot sprayer hung where I can reach it from inside. This thing is Great for brush & spot spraying. Great maneuverability, low impact on fragile grasses, protection, comfort. Man I didn't plan on all the brush spraying I'm now doing, that I couldn't get to with the big tractor. Even The AC is cold.
Thanks a lot for the great deal Ronnie G